Thursday, July 24, 2014

Day 2 - Settling In

No pictures today as nothing much changed.

I did realize today that the little plastic bootie they put on the bandage serves another purpose aside from not getting the bandage wet on the infrequent trips outside. It also keeps the bandage itself from catching on blankets and making shifting positions awkward and difficult for the already-stoned dog.

Had a few moments of panic this morning because his bandage had slipped down off his leg and over the incision. Poor baby looked so pathetic with half his bandage over his foot as he tried to walk this morning.

After that frustrating big of fun, and the dismal failure of breakfast (he didn't want cold chicken and rice, he wanted his normal kibble and it was a struggle getting his meds in) I had to work for an hour or so before taking him to the vet to get the bandage replaced.

We achieved poop! Haven't been this excited about bowels moving since the potty training days. We also achieved pee...but that didn't happen til we were at the vet's office and walked him in the grass outside the building. Lots of other scent marks meant that someone had to leave his calling card.

Potty issues have become the worst part of this for me. Both the not knowing if I should be taking him out to go...but also taking him out to go. Trying to get him to walk in the first place, coordinating the leash and sling...and then ditching the sling to tail-hold because he's a guy dog and will pee on the sling otherwise.

A coworker has lent me a high-end harness, but getting him into it is just not feasible with how loopy he is. I think  that will come in handy in a few days, when the bandages are off and he's more comfortable putting that foot on the ground.

Otherwise, he's sleeping a lot and more comfortable today. More moments of being himself.

Today's lesson learned: Don't put too much in the crate with him. I took out one of the blankets and the pillow and he seems much more comfortable. I think I'm going to change out the quilt tomorrow, though.

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